6 February 2017

New way to make requests to Estates Department

As part of an extensive review of the services provided by the Estates Department the following changes to how requests / logging of issues are dealt with will come into effect from the 6th February 2017.
From the 6th February all Estates requests / logging of issues for all Buildings / Campuses (i.e. Derry, Limavady and Strabane) should be directed to the new Estates Helpdesk by either e-mail or telephone:

§  E-mail – estates.helpdesk@nwrc.ac.uk
§  Phone – 6556

In the first instance we ask that staff only use the above contact details for Estates related requests. Please note that requests made directly to individual staff e-mails / phones and / or external contractors (e.g. Graham FM) will not be responded to.
Thanking you in advance for your co-operation.