A number of luxury spa treatments will be available at a special health and wellness spa event at the Foyle Building of North West Regional College on Friday, January 27.
Beginning at 9.30 a.m. and running until 3.30 p.m. you can avail of a number of spa and body treatments, the ideal way to detox after Christmas.
All luxury treatments (priced at just £10) begin with body brushing, with a full body poppy seed scrub, and followed by either a seaweed mud wrap (acting as a detox to the body); a thermal wrap (with detoxifying and re-mineralising properties); and a body contour wrap (for inch loss, cellulite and lymph drainage).
This is followed by either a sauna or steam room treatment. The treatment is finished with an application of Eve Taylor Body Butter while cocooned in a heated blanket (allow one hour).
Full body massages with a optional steam/sauna are available for £8. Facial electrical treatments are priced at £10.
Demand for these treatments is expected to be high so book early for your appointment. Contact the beauty department on 028 71 276336/6073
Or email amanda.white@nwrc.ac.uk and karen.bradley@nwrc.ac.uk
Enjoy some complimentary light refreshments while you there...
This is a treat not to be missed.