19 April 2016

Northumbria University NU Entry/Evolve Program: Book Places now!

Northumbria University are rolling out their NU Entry/Evolve Program for NWRC Students on the 3rd and 4th May in the new Careers Academy Suite on the ground floor of the Tower Building.
Start Time 10am
Finish 4pm
Students and lecturers can book individually as the Evolve Programme gives supportive advice about UCAS application.
The programme is delivered by a team of Graduate Ambassadors. Evolve offers NWRC Students the opportunity to attend a programme of presentations and workshops specific to student needs and interests supporting progression. The day will be interactive and provide ‘hands-on’ learning, supporting students through their studies and their journey to Higher Education allowing students to earn additional UCAS entry points. That means students who do the workshops and the online assessments will have added value to their application whilst being able to use 16 UCAS points earned to support their application to Northumbria as their 1st choice University.
BOOK YOUR PLACE: https://getinvited.to/nwrc/northumbria-university-evolve-workshop