26 October 2015

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Level 1 and 2 students within the Early Years department are undertaking the Shoe box Appeal this year, in order to benefit children across Europe who are less fortunate.
More items from the list below are required to complete each box. We would appreciate if you could encourage students within your classes to participate by purchasing these items and dropping off at the crèche (Northland Building)
 Wrapping paper ~ Shoe box ~  Tennis balls ~  Toy cars ~  Small dolls ~ Hat/scarf/ gloves ~  Colouring pencils/ Sharpener/ Notepad ~  Toothbrush & toothpaste ~  Hair accessories & small brush ~ Face cloth & soap ~  Bags of sweets ~ £1 donation
We will also be holding a ‘chuck your change for children’ day, on Thursday morning 5th of November to help us purchase additional items for the appeal. 
Click here to see image larger